A naughty boy and a Christmas tree

Created by Neil 4 years ago

One of the difficulties of being a mother with young children, is just that. You have young children. Regardless of how naughty the children are, you can't just leave them behind. I have a feeling that I was a fairly naughty child. I struggled with the concept that, at the age of 4 or 5, when a trip to see sister perfoming in a Christmas music show at the local school was proposed, a response from me of "You go, I really don't want to" was never going to cut it. On such occasions you had to tolerate a stroppy, angry child who would inhibit the walk to the venue by holding on to railings and fidget, hum and sing during the performance.

On this occasion your suspicion was aroused when I stopped singing "La, la, la" and the hums fell silent. More noticable was the Christmas tree in the school hall, that was swinging alarmingly, and me pulling on the string of Christmas lights that were wrapped around it. 

The fact that I only remember the incident, and not the punishment, means that you must have dealt with the torment in your usual kind and mild way.